Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Milk In Schools

Milk In Schools...

Yesterday we tried the milk provided by FONTERRA.

"It was coconutty at first, then I got used to it " said Emily.

"It was creamy" said Tui.

"It was cold" said Ezra.

"It was yummy" said Matt.

"It was sweet" said Frances.

First we had to shake it!

Next we had to put the straw in!

Then we had to drink it and make sure we got every single drop!!

After that we folded it. (With help from Room 1 cool kids)

Finally we put the carton into the special milk  recycling bin.

The End 


Monday, 10 June 2013

Term 2 Highlights

Macandrew Bay Stream Testing
Tahu talking to us!
Jackson checking to see what creatures live in the stream!

Who is Freddo?
Beautiful Orokonui

Birds Feeding

Looking for Tuatara

Finding out about Skinks and Geckos!

Listening and learning from experts!

Checking on Emily's egg experiment after 2 months!

Finding out about what products cows give us!

Making butter out of salt and cream